Have you ever received mail that is clearly marked, “no action required?” It’s great, isn’t it. Because you know that if you don’t get to it right away, everything will be fine. You love that it’s not a bill. You know it’s not another survey. It’s most likely junk.

Our lives don’t come marked with, “no action required.” And with good reason. It’s because we require action. We might as well be stamped somewhere with a friendly reminder that states, “action required for survival,” or, “level/type of action directly correlates with level of satisfaction.” Mail we receive that is marked, “no action required,” can sit for days, months, years, and will be just fine without action. But a person will not survive without action of some sort. And a person will most likely not thrive if no action is taken.

Action can be a small step. Action can be a large step. It can be a risk. Action can be adding something positive to your life or removing something (someone) negative from your life. It’s your life, your goals, so YOU get to choose what action you must take to get you where you want to go. That’s how we are all different. But we are all very much alike in the fact that we all need to take action to move closer to what we want in life.