ancora imparo

The Newbie Fear

By |2022-11-05T23:01:37+00:00January 26th, 2019|ancora imparo, Big Picture, Lessons Learned|

While at the gym recently I was looking around the room, observing. It is one way I learn ideas for new exercises. It wasn’t long before I found myself thinking about the difference in levels of fitness in the room. I started thinking about how everyone in that room got there through a different experience.

I Have a Confession

By |2022-11-05T23:02:34+00:00October 17th, 2018|ancora imparo, Big Picture, Leadership, Lessons Learned|

Do you know this type person? The person who is clearly up to no good and has ill or selfish intentions with every move he/she makes? Do you ever wonder why more people cannot see the truth about that person or why people are still willing to support him/her when it is so blatantly obvious

Don’t Put a Question Mark

By |2022-10-21T01:50:48+00:00September 13th, 2018|ancora imparo, Big Picture, depression, Lessons Learned|

When my sister was killed, I was grasping to make sense of the situation. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t logical, it wasn’t right. Although it still doesn’t make sense and is still extremely emotional and senseless, I was offered advice from someone that helped me move forward without letting what happened drag me down. Many

When Did We Stop Asking?

By |2022-10-21T01:47:53+00:00July 22nd, 2018|ancora imparo, Leadership, Lessons Learned|

I was watching my sister-in-law compete at a horse show. I mentioned to my six year old niece that I was excited to watch her mom compete. She immediately responded by asking me what that meant. After helping her understand the word compete, I wondered why, as we become adults, we often become afraid to

Cultivate More From Your Experiences With These 4 Actions

By |2022-10-25T01:39:16+00:00May 31st, 2018|ancora imparo, Big Picture, Leadership, Lessons Learned|

Failure or success, all experiences have lessons embedded in them that you can, and should be cultivating and embracing. Following are four ways you can more easily excavate those lessons. Take time to THINK about it. When we move too quickly from one experience to the next, we bypass any opportunity to appreciate the lessons

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