
What is in Your Blind Spot?

By |2022-10-21T01:45:51+00:00April 24th, 2022|ancora imparo, Leadership, Lessons Learned|

There is something that is impacting the way I feel about others and as much as I try to get to know a person for who they are and not make decisions about them too quickly or based on a small amount of information, it is becoming increasingly difficult when it comes to what I’m

Talent Should Never Trump Poor Behavior/Attitude

By |2022-11-05T22:55:43+00:00January 21st, 2022|Leadership|

Antonio Brown, most recently a wide receiver for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, made the news in early January for taking off some of his equipment, his jersey and undershirt, and leaving the stadium during the third quarter of the game against the New York Jets. This wasn’t the first time Mr. Brown made the news

What is in Your Blind Spot?

By |2021-07-15T23:59:03+00:00July 15th, 2021|Leadership|

We can probably all identify people who we believe are good leaders and people we feel are bad leaders. Maybe we came to those conclusions, or perceptions, through first-hand experiences, observations, or stories from our friends and family. You may or may not know the answer to my next question, but I expect you can

Leadership Potential Does Not Have to Go to Waste

By |2022-11-05T22:56:29+00:00June 7th, 2021|ancora imparo, communication, Investing In Others, Leadership|

Seven times in the last three weeks. That is not a good thing. Seven different people commented to me about their direct supervisor being a poor leader. Seven different people. Seven different supervisors. Seven different places of employment. Seven different industries. In each instance, I asked questions and engaged in discussion. No one told me

Don’t Put a Question Mark

By |2022-10-21T01:50:48+00:00September 13th, 2018|ancora imparo, Big Picture, depression, Lessons Learned|

When my sister was killed, I was grasping to make sense of the situation. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t logical, it wasn’t right. Although it still doesn’t make sense and is still extremely emotional and senseless, I was offered advice from someone that helped me move forward without letting what happened drag me down. Many

The Communication Match Game

By |2022-10-25T01:41:55+00:00July 26th, 2018|Leadership, Lessons Learned|

The communication match game - matching what you communicate with what you actually mean. Easier said than done sometimes. The ultimate meaning of communication always sits with the receiver of it, so the sender of communication must do everything possible to convey the intended meaning. I posted on social media recently a promise to give

Be the Excited Penguin

By |2022-10-25T01:40:07+00:00June 6th, 2018|Leadership, Lessons Learned|

There is a video I caught once in which several penguins stand in a huddle (or a colony, rookery or waddle – I had to look that up). They are standing on a few feet of snow covered ground next to some sort of rocky ledge. Snowflakes are blowing around them. There is a smaller

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